To prevent ragging and punishing those who involve in ragging, with
provided rules & regulations and the appropriate law in force.
To regularly monitor ragging issues.
To make proper corrective & preventive action to prevent ragging issues.
Effects of Ragging
Ragging cause hardship or psychological or physical harm or to raise
fear or apprehension thereof in a fresher or a junior student.
Ragging has the effect of casing or generating a sense of shame or
embarrassment so as to adversely affect the physique of a fresher or a
junior student.
Teasing, embarrassing, humiliating, assaulting or using criminal force or
criminal intimidation. Wrongful restraining or confining or causing
grievous hurt, kidnapping, Molesting or committing unnatural offense or
causing death or abetting suicide.
Prohibition of Ragging
Ragging within college & its premises including hospital and hostel is
strictly prohibited.
No person including students / staffs / faculty / shall participate or
encourage or propagate ragging in any form.
Measures of Prohibition of Ragging in Educational Institution
Ragging in all its forms be totally banned in the entire college,
including in departments and all its premises whether located
within the public or private.
The college will take strict action against those who found ragging
and / or of abetting ragging.
The college will strictly monitor the provision of the act of central
government and the state government to prohibit ragging in all its
Every fresher admitted to the college will be given the phone
numbers of Anti ragging committee members and anti ragging
The head of the will create awareness and explain the
consequences, of ragging in the orientation Programmed.
Fresher’s are encouraged to report incidents of ragging, either as
victims or even as witnesses.
We will be collecting feedback from students/faculty/ management
about any sort of ragging issues, which will be kept as confidential
and take necessary action.
The college has a full time counselor to provide counseling
services to the students.
The college is providing separate hostel facility for the fresh
students in the sane campus and having a facility of full time
warden to communicate, control, command and counsel the
This to inform all the 1 st year students that all necessary steps are taken to
ensure ragging free environment on the campus which includes the following.
Anti-ragging committee and anti-ragging squad have been uploaded in the
website with details of the members further anti-ragging squad have been
consulted for the purpose of observing, preventing and taking suitable action.
The students are hereby advised that they need not hesitate to report any
members of the antiaging commit squad and grievance arising due to any kind
of misbehavior of the students.
It is assured that one such an incident is established sever action will be taken
by the authorities.
Students may feel free contact any authority of this college in case of threat of